Experts Advice is a blog, created by those experts who cleared and attempted various exams and also worked in private sectors to gain experience. We are here to provide not only free study materials but also free advice on miscellaneous topics whenever you feel any hurdle in your life. We are bound to provide correct and latest information to candidates, may be not fast but accurate. We are here to help the people, to motivate them & guide them so that they can achieve success in life. We will bring all necessary information, methods to solve questions, which are floating here and there, on this single platform.
If you have any queries, suggestions or complaints feel free to contact us.
Big coaching centres are busy in minting money and charge a hefty fees from candidates. Also there are numerous websites which provide information, study material, test series etc. but nothing free. Their free material is as good as nothing. Education became a business now a days for all. Here we provide everything for free because we know how difficult it is now a days to get accurate information in this digital world where fakeness is all around and reality is costly. After reading our study material you will realize the importance of self-study and will avoid to pay hefty fees in coaching centres. At last hard work pays off. Our mission is just to save your time and money and to remove hurdles in the path of your success.
We should focus on excellence not on when will result come, what will be expected cut-off, will I get joining or not etc because these things are not in our control and it increase pressure only. We need to chase excellence only.
Most of us heard this quote but not following:
Excellence ke peeche bhaago baccha excellence, success jhak maarke peeche aayegi -Ranchoddas Chanchad.
We believe:
If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn no one can stop you.
Education is not a privilege, not a business. It is a right.
Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.
This site contains information which is a collection from different sources. We researched a lot of books, websites, notes etc in order to get best possible data helpful in various exams.